Deep Dive on Marriage with Barbara Bland and Annie Mendrala

Dec 11, 2023

In this episode, we talk with Barbara Bland and Annie Mendrala to take a deep dive into marriage – a crucial topic in our culture today. No one has a perfect marriage! We all have issues. And it’s no wonder. Merging your life with another human being is a tall order. It causes us to confront our own character issues and that’s not fun.

The Bible is clear that marriage is a covenant relationship that God ordained at creation. God tells us that our relationship with our husbands should be our priority behind only our relationship with Him. And if our selfish, prideful nature wasn’t enough to undermine marriage, the devil is always attacking it as well. Why? Because he wants to destroy families. But when we do the hard work to build strong Christian families, God’s character is reflected in our marriages.

This episode will challenge you. We encourage you to keep an open mind as you listen. We also want to be clear that we are addressing the typical marital issues that we see and experience in our ministry. But, we are not counselors and there are certainly situations where professional advice would be more appropriate. And of course, if you or your children are in danger, then get to a safe place as soon as possible.

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