The MomQ Mingle: Rhythms of Renewal for Moms in 2024

Jan 2, 2024

    This episode kicks off a new monthly series called the “MomQ Mingle.” In these episodes, Candace and Annie will discuss relevant topics for today’s moms, comparing truth from the Word with trends from culture. Today, Annie gives a biblical view of how we can create healthy rhythms in our home and family life through rest, predictability, and setting boundaries.

    Daily rhythms are a simple way to refresh and renew our minds. When we reflect on the rhythms God has created in nature and also the ones he has established in Scripture, we can set boundaries to create rhythms that renew us spiritually, physically, and mentally.

    Rhythms are designed for our dependence on God not independence from Him. For example, the daily bread rhythm set in the Lord’s prayer is a reminder of the Lord’s provision in the wilderness with manna. God wants us to depend daily on him in our six days and then rest as his church to fully celebrate and enjoy him on our seventh.

    Why should we renew rhythms? It is biblical and possible because of the Gospel we can change!

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