
Find practical tips and application on living life from a Christian worldview. Categories include parenting, relationships, self-care and spiritual growth.

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Freedom Parenting In a World of Fear

Freedom Parenting In a World of Fear

One of the biggest challenges of being a Christian mama is that our kiddos are daily facing the ramifications of living in a dark and fallen world. The question is, how does that challenge impact the way we parent? Is it our job to protect our kids from anything that would harm them and choose to parent from fear, or equip them to face whatever opposition they might face and parent from a place of freedom?

One Load of Laundry at a Time

One Load of Laundry at a Time

Is there any occupation more fraught with humility and sacrifice than motherhood? Surely there is, but it escapes me at present. A mother’s life is a sacrificial life, if it’s done right. On the job 24/7, 2 am feedings, diapers . . . oh so many diapers, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, oh my! And laundry. A moment of silence, please . . . The question is, however, does this self-sacrifice work humility in us?