Amy Benchener: Experiencing God in the midst of trials and grief

Jul 20, 2023

To continue our summer series we had the opportunity to interview Amy Benchener, an amazing mom of 2, professor and community leader. She shares the journey of experiencing the power and realness of God through the grief of her father’s death as a young woman and then later through her newborn daughter ‘s heart condition. She explains that prayer and the support of her church community were key!

Psalm 73, 23-24. Yet I am always with you. You hold me by my right hand, you guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into your glory.

“So as I look at this verse, I just see the tenderness of God. You see how he is with us through hard times and holding us by our right hand, as if mother would with a little child as you cross the street.  I just think of that tenderness, especially in times of difficulty. I love that word counsel. In the second piece, you guide me with your counsel. I think we think of counsel when spelled that way as a legal term. And when I looked it up in my Greek Hebrew Bible, counsel is talking about leading wisely and tenderly. So really the difference between leading from a ruling or from a legalistic perspective, but leading to love, to tenderness, and then getting into the blessing. Leading us to blessing, really, splendor and glory and honor. And I just love that image of a father guiding us by the hand through good and hard times and bringing us to that blessing, the honor, the splendor.


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