Becoming a Confident Mom

Life can be hard and uncertain. We are not only mothers but we’re also individuals who encounter difficult situations daily. From dealing with conflict in relationships and conflicting priorities, to overcoming shame and regret, this series will help you find your identity in Christ so you can have joy and peace in life.

Lesson Topics

Where does my identity lie?

As the primary disciplers of our kids, moms have a unique calling from God. In week one of the series Candace teaches on where our identify lies as moms. Ultimately, it is not in the approval of others or even in our role as a mom and wife. It is rooted in who God says we are as believers in Christ.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

Why do relationships matter?

In week 2 in our series of “Becoming a Confident Mom,” Annie Mendrala teaches on the value of relationships from a biblical perspective. Because we serve a relational God, He uses relationships in all forms to encourage us, inspire us, and sanctify us.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

How should I relate to my husband?

One of our MomQ teachers, Julie Whitehurst, shares wisdom from a biblical perspective about how God designed marriage and what that means for us practically as wives today. When we better understand God’s purpose and role for us as women in the context of marriage, we can build a relationship that is fulfilling, meaningful, and honoring to God. In addition, we leave a legacy to our children for their future marriages.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

How should I relate to my children?

To continue our series in viewing relationships from a biblical perspective, Candace teaches on how we should relate to our children as Christian moms. It’s easy to wrap our identity in our role as mothers and whether or not our kids reflect the values we hold. However, our kids are a precious creation from God and they belong to Him ultimately. When we view them that way we can withhold our reigns and trust that He has their best interest in mind.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

How to practice conflict resolution?

Most of us don’t love conflict. But, we experience different forms of conflict in all our relationships, including with our kids. In this episode we are grateful to have Lindsey Werner, Licensed Professional Counselor and director of relationship equipping at Hill Country Bible Church, speak about the importance of conflict resolution and the dangers of unresolved conflict. Alternatively, when we lean into resolution, it brings peace with each other and with God.

Why do bad things happen?

Even as believers, it’s sometimes a struggle to wrap our minds around how a good and all powerful Gospel can allow bad things to happen. Annie Mendrala reminds us that in a sinful world, we should count on trouble, but expect victory. God is always with us in our suffering, He has conquered brokenness ultimately. Because of that, we have joy today because we have hope for eternity.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

What do I do when I mess up?

In our Christian walk, there are going to be times when we mess up. Whether it’s with our kids, our spouse, at work, the moment comes when we know we were in the wrong. But then what do we do? Julie Whitehurst teaches a Godly response to our sin, which involves confessing and turning away from it without guilt or shame.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

What do I do when others hurt me?

When was the last time you were offended? Chances are we all get hurt by others daily. We often hear from the culture that we need to eliminate “toxic” people or relationships, but what does God say? Candace teaches about how when we receive God’s forgiveness, it helps change our heart to forgive others, and receive blessing in the process.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

Unstuck-Tools to move through unforgiveness and shame

In this episode, guest speaker Lindsey Werner, LPC-S and director of relational equipping at Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, TX, shares practical tools and spiritual wisdom on the power of forgiveness, and how to get out of being “stuck” in the pattern of bitterness and same. You will find this episode convicting and encouraging!

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

Lesson Presentation Slides


How can I be happy?

Happiness is something we all desire, but is it really something we can attain? Annie Mendrala teaches what the answer is from the Bible, and how when we pursue true, lasting happiness, we can have joy despite the circumstances around us.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

Other Series

Our curriculum is divided into semesters that lead moms to discover peace, hope and joy in a community of like minded women.
Review previous lessons below.

Building a Strong Family

 We want to create a safe, nurturing environment where our children feel valued and loved by us and God. But, how? In this series, we address topics like how to set our family priorities, deal with anxiety in our homes and be peacemakers just to name a few.

Raising Virtuous Children

Many parents believe that if their children are well behaved and successful, then they have done their job right. But, God says there's something more important. In this series, you will discover the true purpose of parenting and how the Bible says it can be accomplished.

Building Families of Character

We all know that character counts. Jesus tells us to treat others the way we want to be treated. But, what does this look like in a world that believes that truth is relative? Join us for this series as we discuss several exceptional and challenging Godly character traits from the perspective of each member of the family.

What's your mom superpower? Take our short quiz and find out your greatest strength as a mom.