Building a Strong Family

Research shows that children raised in strong, stable families grow up to be happier, more secure and well adjusted people. We want to create a nurturing, safe environment where our children feel valued and loved by us and God. But, what is the best way to do that? In this series, we address topics like how to set our family priorities, deal with anxiety in our homes and be peacemakers just to name a few.

Lesson Topics

What makes a strong family foundation?

Learn about the elements that make a strong family – most importantly an individual, authentic relationship with God. Those who have a personal relationship with Jesus and respond to Him in obedience are able to trust in His sovereign care when the storms of life come.ย ย 

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

How should I prioritize my people?

Once we establish that Jesus is at the center, how do we balance the craziness of life with our responsibilities as mothers and wives? Annie teaches how when we set our lives on biblical principles and unconditional love, we can put our focus where it matters most.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

Am I a Mary or a Martha?

We are busy and distracted in our culture. We hurry and worry just like Martha did in Luke 10:38-42. But, when she complained to him, He told her that only one thing is necessary. Julie teaches on importance of filling our cup with the source of life – Jesus, and choosing the one who is better just as Mary did.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

How do we handle anxiety in our home?

We desire for our home to be a sanctuary. But the reality is life is hard, and every day we face stress and anxious thoughts that fill our minds and our four walls. In this session of Building a Strong Family, Annie reminds us of the promises God gives in his Word to trade our anxiety for His peace.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

How do I deal with mom pressures?

One of the biggest challenges of being a mom is the countless, and seemingly never ending demands on us. In this session of How to Build a Strong Family, we gather an amazing panel of mentor Moms who provide practical advice on how to keep your cool while balancing our roles as a wife, mom, friend, and follower of God.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

How do I get out of my head?

โ€œThe biggest battle you fight is between your two ears.โ€ -Jennie Allen
So many of us fight a battle every day with the negative, anxious and sometimes crippling thoughts that circle in our mind. But how do we break the cycle of thoughts that hold us back from our relationships with others, our kids and with God?
Julie helps us answer how we get out of our own heads by fixating on Jesus and the truth of his Word verses the lies that Satan wants us to believe.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

Where should my treasure lie?

“Where you treasure is, there your heart will be” – Matthew 6:21

God tells us that what we treasure most is directly tied to the condition of our heart. But the reality is the gods of money, achievement, possessions and success are always trying to capture our attention. How do we reframe our mindset, and the culture of our family to value what God values most?

Candace teaches on practical strategies for how we can implement rhythms in our family that point towards the treasure that lasts forever.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions

How can I become a peacemaker?

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” – Romans 12:18

Peace is something all of us desire. But relationships are hard. Being a mom, a wife, a spouse and friend can often lead to conflict.

How do we become peacemakers in the most challenging situations? Julie teaches on how we can build strong families by pursuing peace by turning our eyes and hearts toward God vs. our own desires.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions


What should be the vibe of our home?

At the end of the day, we all want our home to be full of peace, love, forgiveness and joy. But what control do we have with the vibe of our household?

Annie teaches on how we can turn to scripture for instructions on using our words and actions to reflect Jesus: beneficial, honorable and encouraging. The words we chose to speak to our children, our kids, and others around us can greatly impact the culture and tone of our home.

Lesson Notes and Small Group Questions


Building Strong Families-personal testimonies

It’s been a wonderful semester of learning how to build our homes, and our families on the rock of Christ (Matthew 7:24-27). This is a special episode as Candace summarizes our lessons with actionable points for how we can build our families on solid ground.
We also get to hear from three moms from our community about how God has led them to build a strong family. I think you will be encouraged and inspired by their stories!

Other Series

Our curriculum is divided into semesters that lead moms to discover peace, hope and joy in a community of like minded women.
Review previous lessons below.

Raising Virtuous Children

Many parents believe that if their children are well behaved and successful, then they have done their job right. But, God says there's something more important. In this series, you will discover the true purpose of parenting and how the Bible says it can be accomplished.

Building Families of Character

We all know that character counts. Jesus tells us to treat others the way we want to be treated. But, what does this look like in a world that believes that truth is relative? Join us for this series as we discuss several exceptional and challenging Godly character traits from the perspective of each member of the family.

Becoming a Confident Mom

Life can be hard and uncertain. We are not only mothers but weโ€™re also individuals who encounter difficult situations daily. From dealing with conflict in relationships, to handling loneliness and isolation, this series will help you find your identity in Christ so you can have joy and peace in life.

What's your mom superpower? Take our short quiz and find out your greatest strength as a mom.