Discovering Your True Identity Within Christian Motherhood: Grace-Based Truths For Biblical Parenting

by | Dec 4, 2023

“Mom, do you think I will ever make friends? I feel like I just don’t belong. No one seems to even notice me.”

 This is a familiar cry that I have heard from each of my four children throughout their childhoods. Whether it was them moving to a new city, adjusting to a new school, or joining a new sports team, it was common for me to hear this sad mantra from my children over the years. 

Every single time they said it to me, my heart would break. 

Every single time, I wanted to ease their pain and loneliness.

Every single time, I longed to rescue them. 

At one time or another, I imagine we can ALL relate to my children’s cries, relate to their desire to belong. ALL of us want to be wanted. ALL of us desire to feel accepted. At the end of the day, ALL of us are in need of being rescued. 

My friend, take heart! There is hope. God, in His great love, reaches down and pulls us close to His heart. He is our great rescuer. He desires for us to know that we are chosen by Him. 

  • We delight Him.
  • We belong to Him. 
  • We are His beloved children, just as we are. No strings attached!

As a mother, as a parent, as a Christian…



“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give it to you.”

John 15:16

To be chosen means to be selected out of many. I like to think of it as being handpicked amongst a crowd. We have been personally handpicked, chosen by God.

God calls individuals to play significant roles in His grand plan. Throughout history, we can witness ordinary men and women being handpicked by God to fulfill extraordinary purposes!

This idea, woven throughout all of history, is true for the here and now, too! You have been chosen, selected, handpicked. And not just by anyone, but by God! The God of the universe has chosen YOU as His beloved daughter. He created you ON purpose and FOR a purpose. 

Do you sometimes have doubts connected to your purpose and being a mother? Be reminded that He designed a part of your role here on earth to be a mother to your children. And not just any children, YOUR children!


As mothers, we don’t have to be perfect to be a good fit for motherhood… We are chosen by God to be Mom to our specific kiddos.

  • We read in the Old Testament that God chose Sarah to birth Isaac and became a mother of nations. And, this was despite her not trusting in God’s plans and giving her husband to a mistress. 
  • We also read in Scripture about Hannah who was angry with God because of her barrenness. In His kindness, God opened her womb and she became the mother of the prophet Samuel. 
  • And, the most beautiful story of intentionally chosen motherhood found in the Bible was in the birth of Emmanuel Himself. God handpicked Mary a young virgin girl of humble means, to give birth to His Son and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ!


So today, you too can be encouraged that regardless of anything in your past or even your imperfect present, you have been chosen as a child of God and to be a mother to your specific children.

Ponder this truth and then proclaim out loud:

“I am a chosen child of God. And, I’ve been chosen to be the mother of ________.

(Fill in your child/children’s name[s].)


As a mother, as a parent, as a Christian…



“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.”

Zephaniah 3:17 (ESV) 


What a beautiful truth we find here in the Bible. The New International Version of this verse says that “He will take great delight in you…”

God delights in you and me! There is not a day that goes by when He is not delighting in and rejoicing over us. To rejoice means to shout with joy. So, embrace the vision and sounds of the Father joyfully shouting your name and loudly singing over you.

Soak in the radiance and warmth of His presence as He assures you of His genuine care and love for you. YOU are the reason why He came to earth in the first place. In His love, He gave His life to save you.

  • God is a mighty warrior.
  • God is FOR you.
  • God is your defender on every front.
  • God fully knows you and also fully loves you.

This kind of love can quiet an anxious heart and slow a spinning mind.

Try this simple practice:

Breathe… Move your gaze upward…

Turn up the corners of your mouth…  

And delight in your Father just as He delights in you.


As a mother, as a parent, as a Christian…



“See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

1 John 3:1 

To belong to God means to confidently know that you have a place of comfort and safety. There is no other relationship where trust and connection can be felt more deeply. God knows us better than anyone else, therefore, He can help us in our time of need better than anyone else, too. 

Declare these truths:

  • God satisfies the deep longings of my heart. 
  • In Christ, I know that I am loved and accepted.
  • I can be confident because I know that I belong to Him.

And so, as much as I wanted to fix my children’s insecurities and feelings of not being accepted, I knew that only God could fulfill the longings of their hearts. As imperfect people, we can never fulfill what was only meant to be fulfilled by our perfect Father. As we journey to knowing the Father more intimately, we will come to better understand and better embrace who He says we are. We can find our truest sense of belonging and identity in Christ and in Christ alone.  


Beloved, make no mistake — you are chosen, you are delighted in, and you belong!


When you find yourself forgetting who you are and whose you are, take a moment to do a simple breath prayer. And, teaching this practice to your children will instill in them the value of focusing on the truths of God. A breath prayer is an exercise where you connect your body to the heart of the Father through engaging your body, heart, and mind as His child.

Breath prayer guidelines:

Breathe deeply through your nose and exhale softly through your mouth. Do this for 1-2 minutes. 

Breath Prayer #1

Inhale: I am chosen

Exhale: I belong to God

Breath Prayer #2

Inhale: My Father

Exhale: delights in me

In the podcast below, Candace Nassar, founder of MomQ, teaches on where our identify lies as moms. Ultimately, it is not in the approval of others or even in our role as a mom and wife. It is rooted in who God says we are as believers in Christ.


About MomQ

At MomQ we believe that motherhood is a calling from God. While it is both a privilege and an honor, it is by no means easy! Moms have a lot of questions/concerns and need caring support along their journey. Whether you are a brand new mom or a little more seasoned, MomQ is here to help you fulfill your God given role. Don’t see a group in your area? Contact us today about starting one in your community!

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