Finding Time with God: A Christian Mom’s Guide to Meaningful Devotion Beyond “Quiet” Time

by | Oct 23, 2023

If you’re like me, your house is rarely quiet. Before the sun rises, there is rumblings of little ones asking questions about where we’re going, what they are having for breakfast and if they can bring their favorite stuffed animal to school.

And in the rare moments of quiet, the laundry is looming, the email inbox is calling, and we feel pulled to call our best friend who we’ve been trying to connect with for days.

In my years of meeting with busy women and moms who love Jesus, there is a common theme I’ve observed. We desire to spend time in the Word, getting to know our Savior. But sometimes we’re paralyzed because we don’t feel like we have the space for “quiet” time during the day to meet with God. I have come to believe that many of us are not reading our Bibles consistently because we are holding to the ideal, versus the reality.

For those of us raised in the church, observing a “quiet time” seemed to be put on a checklist of a good Christian. And while it’s essential to prioritize our lives, our homes and our families in a way that puts our relationship with God first, I have come to believe this expectation can potentially get in the way of a deeper, richer fellowship with our Savior throughout our day.

Here are a few suggestions for how busy Moms can prioritize our relationship with Jesus in the middle of the crazy.

Embrace the chaos, be filled with the Truth.

Did you know that there is nowhere in the bible that mandates a “quiet” time? I think often we get caught up in this notion that we put aside reading the Word altogether because we are unable to find the ideal moment with our coffee and couch during the day.

God does promise that when we’re rooted in the Word, we flourish. I love what Psalms 1 says:

“Blessed is the man, who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law, he meditates day and night. He Is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.”

Psalms 1-2

I don’t know about you, but I desire to be a strong, healthy tree that’s bearing fruit verses a withering one.

Rather than trying to escape the chaos, consider embracing it. Recognize that God is present in every aspect of your life, even in the noise. Turn your daily routines, such as cooking, cleaning, or carpool, into opportunities for prayer and reflection on truth.  It’s when we do this, that we are rooted like a tree planted by streams of water. We are filled so that our families, friends, and neighbors can see that hope that is within us. 

Incorporate truth “snacks”.

Some of my most precious moments with the Lord are with my bible, my journal, and my coffee at my dining room table before anyone is up for the day. Like a hearty meal, dedicated time with God is satisfying for the day, no matter what it may bring.

But we all know sometimes that just doesn’t happen. Right when we open our bible and settle in, we have a little one come down the stairs. And when it doesn’t, we are more likely to give up any spiritual nourishment for the day.

Going back to Psalm 1, we know that our spiritual food and refreshment comes from the Word. And when we see that as important as drinking our morning coffee, we prioritize getting it in however we can. Like spiritual “snacks” that sustain us throughout the trials of the day.

Some spiritual “snacks” may include:

  • on the way back from carpool
  • while doing laundry
  • while waiting for a doctor’s appointment
  • open the bible app and read one chapter

Every chance we can flip open the Word, verses scroll through the news or social media will bring life to our day. Don’t think that because you missed your hour of quiet before the kids wake up that you lost your chance for the day. Bring your eyes up to where our help is. Keep your mind on him, even in the spare moments.

“I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and Earth.” 

Psalm 121: 1-2

Don’t wait for kid-free time.

I had a breakthrough very early on in my parenting journey. After having my first baby, I felt like the to do list had to be crammed in when she was sleeping or being taken care of by someone else.

And then, a sweet mentor shared that when you can involve kids in the daily chores of cleaning, laundry, errands, and even work, you are not only accomplishing more but teaching them invaluable life lessons in the process.

I think it’s the same for bible study. Sometimes we face undo pressure as moms to fit our bible study and prayer time in when our kids are sleeping are not around. But what if we do it while they’re with us? How wonderful and beautiful it is to explain to your kids that you need a few minutes for them to play quietly so that you can read God’s Word. What memories you will create of Mom opening the bible in the middle of the chaos.

As my kids are getting older, I’m also seeing the opportunity to bring them in on the study. Even just sharing a few things that Mom is learning from what she is learning and how that might apply to their life. 

At the end of the day. Don’t let the enemy (and in this case the real enemy) of the “perfect” get in the way of your time receiving life and truth. God desires to be part of your every day, noisy as it may be. 

There are many competing demands for our time and energy and we often get overwhelmed. If you long for a 30 hour day, then this message on our Spotify podcast is for you. Find out what God says will reduce stress and provide the rest you need.

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At MomQ we believe that motherhood is a calling from God. While it is both a privilege and an honor, it is by no means easy! Moms have a lot of questions/concerns and need caring support along their journey. Whether you are a brand new mom or a little more seasoned, MomQ is here to help you fulfill your God given role. Don’t see a group in your area? Contact us today about starting one in your community!

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