Lindsey Werner: Giving the Gift of Resiliency to Our Kids and Compassion for Ourselves

May 28, 2024

In this episode, we continue our mental health month series with a conversation with Lindsey Werner, LPC and one of our favorite MomQ speakers. She talks about one of the most challenging yet essential jobs as parents- helping our kids develop the resiliency and confidence in order to become strong and mentally healthy adults. We want to give them skills to be grounded in their own abilities to handle problems and crisis. 

“When we fix things for our kids so they don’t have to feel the intensity of their emotions, we take away the opportunity for them to learn resiliency.”

Lindsey also shares strategies on how we can stay grounded as moms by establishing our identity in Christ and NOT in our kids and their well being. And she encourages us to have compassion on ourselves as moms as we help our kids face the daily challenges of life.

Lindsey has been in private practice for 13 years and you are going to love her incredible insight and passion for healthy relationships. 

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