The MomQ Mingle: Cultivating Your Relationship With God

Apr 2, 2024

God invites us into a deep and abiding relationship with Him. But, we often settle for mediocre, unfruitful lives because we let the cares/weeds of the world distract us.

Are there areas of your spiritual life that might need attention? Maybe some dead branches need to be cleared away? Maybe theย  soil needs to be activated with some new spiritual disciplines or maybe mentorship?ย 

Spiritual growth requires intentionality but also surrender to God’s work in our lives. Whatever is taking energy from us that does not honor God he will prune away. He wants our whole heart. Our full devotion.

Candace and Annie share practical advise on how to avoid stagnancy and continue to grow in our relationship with God as busy moms.

Book Mentioned in this podcast

โ Spiritual Disciplines for the Christianโ  Life by Donald S. Whitney

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