Three Strategies to Thrive vs. Survive With Kids This Summer

by | Jun 26, 2023

“Mommy this is the best day ever!!” My four-year-old shouted while wiping the sticky popsicle drippings across her face.

It was the first hot week of summer in Texas, and our day involved the norm – a slow morning followed by play dates, swimming with friends and a lazy afternoon. 

I couldn’t help but smile at her joy and enthusiasm for this simple day. As her over-achieving mama, I was humbled by her appreciation for the slow pace, and quality time together that this summer day delivered.

For many of us, the summer brings a welcome change of pace. A break in routine, more time together as a family and less structure.

For some of us, like myself, this season pushes me outside my comfort zone. As someone who thrives on a highly structured routine, I find myself asking God every summer for extra grace and guidance on how to make the most of this season for my family.

This summer, my daily prayer is that God would allow me to treasure the extra moments with my kids. To use this time wisely to disciple them, to love and serve them, and die to my fleshly desires of rigidity and control in the process.

For those who are already thriving this summer, or for others who are looking for ways to make the most of these precious weeks, here are a few strategies to consider as we seek to fill our homes with JOY this summer.

Rethink “Quiet” Time

Ever since becoming a mom, I have struggled with the traditional notion of “quiet” time. For the most part, my house is not quiet. And when it is, there are many competing priorities.

Every mom has a strategy that works best for them, but I want to encourage each of you to prioritize spending time in the word EVERY day, even if it is not in the quiet. Even more in the increased burdens that come with summer, we need to live by the Word and cling to it as life! 

While your kids are eating breakfast, open the Bible with them. Read the Word out loud if you need to! Instead of scrolling while waiting for your grocery delivery, pull up your bible app and read a chapter. Instead of scrolling for ten minutes when the kids are enjoying their screen time, journal and pray for your loved ones.

For many years I have met women who beat themselves up for not getting their “quiet” time in, and in the process, give up time in the Word entirely. Don’t let Satan have that foothold. 

Are you unsure about which way to go? The Word is a light to the right path. The path will always lead to God and now away; it will lead toward righteousness and not toward sin.

Psalm 119:105

Reverse the Narrative

It’s easy to dwell on the burdens of summer for us busy mamas. The shift in schedules and routine means more time to fill during the day, balancing work, parenting, marriage, and us! 

But what if we flip the narrative and think about the amazing opportunity the lazy days and extra hours provide. What a privilege it is to be their mama and pour into them! Daily, I am asking God to use the time wisely, to memorize scripture together, talk about the beauty of creation and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away the long, hot afternoons, my prayer is that I would refrain from complaining and instead rejoice in the gift I have been given of motherhood. That doesn’t mean there aren’t going to be tough moments. But, by the power of the Holy Spirit we can ask for discipline to refocus our mind, pray for patience, and find joy in the most trying of days.

Refresh From the Fountain of Life

This summer at MomQ, we have launched a series about living in the presence of God IN the chaos of summer. 

The reality is as the temperatures rise and the distractions of summer increase, we are often left spiritually dry. It’s impossible to pour life, love and peace into our children and husbands unless we are filled first.

If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He will believes in Me, as the scripture said, From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.

John 7:3

When we get thirsty this summer, let it remind us of our need for spiritual refreshment as well. The moments of rest or when we get a break provide momentary reprieve, but the true refreshment comes from when we ask the Spirit for his grace and strength and receive his word as Life. 

There are many competing demands for our time and energy and we often get overwhelmed, especially in the summer when our kids are home from school. God’s Word can help reduce stress and provide the rest you need. Listen to the podcast below and learn how to reduce the distractions of hurry and worry in your life.

About MomQ

At MomQ we believe that motherhood is a calling from God. While it is both a privilege and an honor, it is by no means easy! Moms have a lot of questions/concerns and need caring support along their journey. Whether you are a brand new mom or a little more seasoned, MomQ is here to help you fulfill your God given role. Don’t see a group in your area? Contact us today about starting one in your community!

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